Having to convert manually the labelled imperial ounces of that ice-cream every time to equivalent metric grams is kind of a drag right?Check out AR Live Converter.AR Live Converter makes use of AR (Augmented Reality) Technologies* to live translate quantities to & fro between various units. Nutrition labels in imperial unit(s), Supplement facts listed in metric unit(s) and even distances inscribed in milestones - AR Live Converter will convert them for you.Just point your device to some quantity you want to be converted** and AR Live Converter will do the rest.Available for Unit conversions of Weight, Length & Volume for over 16 locales.* AR Technology may not be available on all devicesFor devices which do not have AR capabilities, AR Live Converter would simulate the best possible AR-like experience using the underlying Camera hardware in compatibility mode.Camera specific hardware limitations such as auto-focus, audible shutter-sound(s), lens exposure, brightness-contrast ratios & firmware optics may interfere with the app for such devices.** For compatibility-mode devices as well as AR-ready devices having problems with AR Stabilization, forced analysis can be used to override the simulated-AR and active AR processes respectively, with Camera capture based conversion. This would use the device camera hardware similar to a camera app and all camera features (both software & hardware) such as image quality, lens exposure, audible shutter sounds & aspect-ratio selection etc. would take effect.